SK14 Video: Debbie Goddard

Hello Skepticonfans! We’re happy to announce that Debbie Goddard‘s SK14 talk, titled ‘Finding Home and Family in a Changed Atheist Movement’, is now live on our youtube channel! Did you know that Skepticon runs entirely upon the donations of its supporters? And we’ve entirely volunteer run? Because we are! Consider Read more…

SK14 Video: PZ Myers

Hello again Skepticoners! We’re pleased to announce that the SK14 talk given by PZ Myers, entitled ‘The Wonderful Fuzziness of Genes‘, is now up on our youtube channel! As always, if this video and ones like it spark joy, please consider donating to keep Skepticon running! Our team is made Read more…

SK14 Video: Jey McCreight

Hey Skepticonville! Check out our main stage speaker from last year, Jey McCreight as they present their talk ‘Trust the Science!’ If you enjoy programming such as this, consider donating today and keeping Skepticon running. After all, we’re entirely funded by people just like you! Love, Skepticon

SK14 Wrap Up!

Huge thank yous to everyone who attended Skepticon this weekend, in person or on the livestream! It was so good to see your faces again. Well, your eyes mostly, but they were all lovely. In-person attendance was about 80 people, which we find impressive, given how little advance warning we Read more…