
As a few of you may have heard, Skepticon made a pretty big decisionĀ on what to do with a sponsor a couple of days ago. Since then, quite a bit has happened.To start,we have raised over $3600! All thanks to the generous support of this awesome community. You all have definitely helped us get a great start on funding this year’s con and we couldn’t be more amazed by this community.

We would also like to clear something up: Debbie Goddard is absolutely going to speak at this year’s Skepticon. She has always been an amazing part of this movement and has been especially integral in helping both The Missouri State University Chapter of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Skepticon find traction in its fledgling years. In short: we heart Debbie.

Thanks for everything!



1 Comment

Bryan Poole · June 21, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Glad to hear this. Debbie is a really awesome person!

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