Hello friends! It’s been a minute. We here at Skepticon HQ hope that you are coping as well as you can during this wild and weird time that we are in.
Today is #GivingTuesday and that means tons of nonprofits are asking for donations to help keep their worlds spinning. We’d love it if you’d consider donating to Skepticon so we can keep this event happening. You could also become a sustaining Dino Club Member and get perks, including specialized merch!
We realize that there are tons of worthy causes both globally and locally that could use your help, too. Whether or not you choose to donate to us, we hope that you will pick a cause important to you and show them some love today if you are able.
Also – we have the logo for this year’s event ready! Behold:

We think this logo looks SUPER and hope you do, too.
Talk again soon!