We are only days away from the universe’s largest and absolutely FREE skeptic convention in the nation.
Firstly, we here at Skepticon HQ want to thank all of our supporters for helping make this year happen. Without you, we would be nothing so a huge THANK YOU from the bottom of our godless hearts.
Next, have you registered for Skepticon yet? Registrants recieve a FREE GIFT at check-in and $100 donors get an EXTRA SUPER SECRET FREE GIFT, so be sure to register now and get in on the fun!
Pre-ordering for SK6 shirts has come to a close, but you can still pick up wicked cool Skepticon t-shirt at the event.
Hemant Mehta will be unable to attend this year’s con due to personal reasons, but lucky for us Monette Richards will be able to take his place on Sunday morning. Thank you, Monette!
We will be livestreaming the event on our website, so if you can’t be with us in the meatspace, be with us on the interwebs!
If you need the schedule, here it is! We update this on the regular because we like you super a lot. Here is the ical version is you need that.
As a reminder, Camp Quest has unfortunately been cancelled due to lack of registrants. Even so, attendees of all ages are certainly welcome! We added a super kid friendly workshop with the awesome Dale Debakcsy at 1pm on Friday if you can make it.
Skepticon 6 will feature a Quiet Room, which will be located in the office to the left of the snack bar on the lower level.
We have started a Ride and Room Share group on Facebook, so join if you need to!
Heina from Skepchick will be hosting an Ex-Muslim meetup on the Saturday lunch hour.
There will be a  Blood Drive on Friday from 1pm to 5pm in the upper level atrium (the big room outside all the workshops). Come on by and give us your bloods!
Here is a list of our awesome sponsors. Thank you for your support!
We will also be hosting a voter drive all weekend so come by the registration table and sign up.
Our Friday morning mini film fest hosted by David Fitzgerald will feature these movies: Sophia Investigates the Good News Club, Ron goes to Heaven, and Hug an Atheist.
Quarter sheet fliers that list our local sponsor discounts as well as a map of the downtown area will be available at our registration table, so be sure to snap one up! A huge map of the venue and our schedule will also be on display near the registration table for your convenience.
We will see you soon!
P.s.–Here is a link to our FAQ page just in case we missed something!