We at Skepticon HQ would hereby like to encourage you to buy a bunch of stuff online- we’re all signed up for Amazon Smile! According to their FAQ, AmazonSmile is a “simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you.” No kidding- all you have to do is change your link to smile.amazon.com instead of the usual Amazon.com… select Skepticon as your charity of choice… and THEN Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to us!!!!! ERMERGHERD!
Like for realizies, all of you who suggested this to us? Geniuses. The rest of you? Badasses that can donate to Skepticon without using any more dollars than you already planned!!!! (Though, you are certainly welcome to donate more the regular way if you wanna- we’ve got a ways to go for SK8!)
The flaw we can possibly forsee is that this product is no longer available. So close.