Hey Skepticoners!
We have an easy peasy way for you to help Skepticon. When you shop with AmazonSmile, a portion of your eligible purchase is donated to us! You don’t need a special account, just use the login you usually use. Even better, your purchase price is the same whether you use Smile or not — the full donation comes from Amazon itself.
It’s simple to sign up. We really wanted to give you step-by-step instructions, but everyone we know is already signed up, so we can’t see what it looks like as a new enrollment :/ So go to smile.amazon.com, log in, and follow the instructions!
We acknowledge that Amazon is controversial. We support those who make the decision to not shop through Amazon, whatever their reason. However, if you shop there already, this is an easy way to help us out! Skepticon needs every dollar it can get, and that small percentage from AmazonSmile adds up!
Our dinos thank you from the bottom of their giant hearts <3