HellOOoOOooOoooo Skeptibats,
We’ve emerged from our coffins to announce our second panel for Skepticon the 13th: For the Love of Creepy Crawlies!

Description: It has too many legs. It doesn’t have enough legs. It moves funny. There are all sorts of reasons an animal can creep us out, but that isn’t this panel. This panel is all about why we love the things that creep other people out.
Featuring panelists PZ Myers, Erin Maxson, Larry Mendoza and moderated by Shanon Nebo, this event will be held on August 14th at 1:30pm CST via zoom. Click here to RSVP to the Facebook Event where the zoom link will be in the description.
Honestly, we’re a bit scared of the creepies and the crawlies, but PZ promised to hold our hands. Let’s do this!