Howdy Skepti-people!
SkeptiProm will be making it’s third appearance on Saturday, November 12 from 9:30 pm to 1 am!
Prom has been a fantastic addition to Skepticon, hasn’t it? Team Skepticon certainly thinks so, and we’re so glad we can put it on again this year! But we know that some of our attendees weren’t able to enjoy SkeptiProm as much as they could have, or couldn’t even attend at all.
We heard from several attendees that the flashing lights were a serious problem for people with light sensitivities. We can fix that — we’re working with the lighting guy to make sure the lights are pretty but not problematic.
We also heard that the ear plugs were difficult (impossible) to find. Problem solved — they will be available right at the door. Last year, they were available at the merchandise booth… You did know we had a merch booth at Prom, right? No? Well, hm…
Hey! We have a merch booth at Prom! We have crowns and tiaras and other fun stuff to make you all fancy. Prices are super low (a crown for a quarter? Such a deal!) so bring some spare change or your credit card, and get some super Prom swag. The merchandise booth is located next to the photo booth. Which brings us to…
Make sure you come by the photo booth and get your obligatory Prom picture! The fantastic photographer Josiah Mannion will be on hand to take your picture, so make sure you bring your camera! We have lots of props for you to pose with, and a one-of-a-kind backdrop. And for those of you who were there last year — we promise we’ll have better lighting this year!
Finally, we’ll have a cash bar available right there in the Paradise Ballroom, with 4 bartenders just waiting to serve you some liquid refreshment, either alcoholic or non. And since dancing and talking makes one thirsty, we’ll have a water station available near-ish the dance floor.
And don’t forget, Prom is for everyone — it doesn’t matter whether you’re in fancy dress or shorts and t-shirt, as long as you’re enjoying yourself! We’re looking forward to letting our hair down and getting our groove on, and hope to see you there!
Team Skepticon
PS — Reminders! Please register if you know, or even just think, you’re coming to Skepticon. It helps us with our planning! And please donate if you can, that also helps with our planning! :D