Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
In November 2020, Sr. Jewnita Hug declared their aspirancy with the Fourth City
Sisters, Abbey of the Glittering Arch under the name "Justa Minute". From their
first manifestation it became evident that the calling of the veil was something that
they were destined for and the desire to serve their community was ignited. Under
the mentoring of the FCS Sisters as well as the COF Sisters, now Sr. Jewnita Hug is
making progress towards being a voice for their community by volunteering for
several organizations and events such as Tower Grove Pride and MEPSI (Metro East
Pride St Louis) as well as chairing their own fundraising event on Harvey Milk Day.
In September 2021, Sr. Jewnita Hug made the transition from Novice Sister to
Founder when they are asked to help establish the Aspirant House for the SoIL
Sisters in Carbondale, IL. This was primarily due to their connection to the
community having grown up just a few miles south and having a strong desire to
help build and establish a safe space for the LGBTQIA population that was not
present when they were younger.
Sr. Jewnita’s mission is simple. Do the work. Put in the time and serve the community.
It may not necessarily always be easy but the things worth working towards seldom
are. A community who feels safe in their own environment is reward enough.
Namaste Gay