Rose Eveleth is a producer, host, reporter and writer based in Berkeley. She’s dabbled in everything from research on pelagic invertebrates to animations about beer to podcasts about fake tumbleweed farms. These days, she explores how humans tangle with science and technology.
She has a degree in ecology, behavior and evolution from UC San Diego where she did some research on krill, which really was just a front for hanging around in the Pelagic Invertebrates Collection at Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Then she moved to New York City to get her graduate degree in journalism at NYU. At school, she edited the program’s online magazine, built an iPad app, interned a bunch of places, and tried not to get car doored too many times on her bike.
Since then, She’s been a columnist for WIRED, BBC Future and Motherboard, the producer of the Story Collider, the special media manager at Nautilus, a new digital magazine about science, culture and philosophy and the managing editor for LadyBits, a place where women are smart about science. She also edited the Smart News blog at Smithsonian Magazine, and founded Science Studio, a home for all the best science multimedia on the web. Even before that she was an editor of all things animated at TED Education, and a contributing editor at Smart Planet. Most recently she helped ESPN’s award winning documentary series 30 for 30 launch their podcast.
These days she’s the producer and host of Flash Forward, a podcast about the future.