Muhammad is a resident of the DC Metro area. Due to the desire to better understand his faith, he embarked on a long period of research and study culminating in the inevitable conclusion that Islam like other religions was nothing more than bronze age mythology. He decided to be public about his apostasy in 2007 in a desire to engage in open dialogue and break the apostasy taboo, encouraging other like-minded individuals to follow suit. In 2012, following the lead of the London & Toronto Communities he started organizing an Ex-Muslim Community in the NorthEast corridor surrounding D.C.
During the spring of 2013 he reached out to other Ex-Muslim Communities with the goal of creating an umbrella organization that would unify efforts and provide critical pooled resources to foster and accelerate upcoming communities. The combined efforts of the these communities ultimately resulted in the creation of EXMNA.
By trade, Muhammad is a Software Engineer and leverages his expertise to manage EXMNA’s technical needs. By making the Ex-Muslim presence public he hopes to encourage acceptance from the religious communities Ex-Muslims originate from.
To follow up more on Muhammad, check out his website, Twitter, and Facebook!