Born and raised in Los Angeles, Bridgett (known as ‘Bria’) was raised, baptized and disfellowshipped from Jehovah’s Witness faith. She segued to Pentecostal Christianity and assumed leadership roles as Prophetess, Intercessory Prayer Warrior and Evangelist. After careful consideration, Bria realized she was an Atheist.
In 2011,she Founded Minority Atheists of MI, and founded Detroit affiliate of Black Nonbelievers in 2013. In 2016, she spearheaded a gofundme campaign which raised $7,000 for Flint, MI residents. Bridgett and collaborators then delivered water and baby wipes to Planned Parenthood of Flint, in addition to donating remaining minutes to Genesee County Flint Water Fund. Bridgett has a heart for newly identified Atheists, those who’ve been hurt within the secular community, and assisting those who are interested in forming alliances with the African American community.